Wednesday, May 6, 2009

this is who i am.

i'm not a pretty picture.

not cut from a diamond.

i like truth when i see it, but sometimes i don't.

if you see different cultures in the world, even to look at different families than your own. you see that we are raised to be as our parents.

you see that we like certain things because we've been groomed to.

i don't think we should.

i say drop the forms. obviously they differ according to the country or family or religion you're raised in.

we don't need the difference of taste.

small desires shouldn't define us. we are not made for shells.

we are made for great ideas. choose something beyond what you were raised to choose.

step outside. be glorious despite those who would have you follow.

choose a path that you admire.

i'm not afraid of dying. i've never seen the point of that fear.

we weren't made just to survive.

i don't think if God wanted us to just survive there would be hurricanes and tidal waves killing so many.

what do we cling to?

this is who i am.

i am stepping outside.

i may look 'irresponsible', 'crazy', 'suicidal'.

but i know who i am.

i have no fear.

God has commissioned me to walk on water

why would i doubt?


  1. I really like this piece. We are all more the same than different at essence. If only others could see that we'd have less fighting in the world.

  2. wow. that is good. i like that post.

  3. I totally get what you feel here, nicely done!

  4. Beautiful post and nice blog. :)

  5. "small desires shouldn't define us. we are not made for shells.

    we are made for great ideas. choose something beyond what you were raised to choose."

    Oh yes. True, honest words. I like. Very much.
